ELCA process would OK actively gay workers

A resolution that opens the possibility for ministers in same-sex relationships to serve in congregational ministries has been forwarded to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly for consideration at its Aug. 8-14 meeting in Orlando, Fla. Drafted during the April 9-11 meeting…

Kieschnick issues statement about pope

Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod President Gerald Kieschnick issued the following statement about Pope John Paul II on April 2, the day the pope died in his Vatican apartment: Pope John Paul II’s strong voice in confronting issues crucial for our age…

Pressure Points with Dr. Bruce Hartung

Q:  I know that old hurts die hard, including some that continue to plague our congregation.  Example: A family with many extended members felt hurt and not properly cared for by a previous pastor.  They complained, but the pastor was…

LCMS responds to ELCA sexuality report

Scriptural authority is the foundational issue in dealing with the blessing of same-sex unions and qualifications for the professional ministries, according to a Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod response to the report of the Studies on Sexuality Task Force of the Evangelical…

Calls for nominations: congregational services

The Board for District and Congregational Services (DCS) is seeking nominations for executive director.  The executive director establishes a vision, formulates strategies, and implements plans so that DCS ministry areas (children, family, outreach, leadership, school, stewardship, youth), together with districts,…

Partnership seeks to bring hope to Dominican Republic

By Kim Plummer Krull This new year may hold new hope for people in the Dominican Republic, as a unique partnership strives to plant that country’s first LCMS congregation and also address the plight of people there with developmental disabilities. “This is…

Kieschnick urges mission on `new frontier`

By David L. Mahsman “It is time for The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod to turn the world upside down for Jesus,” Synod President Gerald Kieschnick told Synod leaders — board and commission members and executive staff — shortly after many of them…

Pressure Points, with Dr. Bruce Hartung (October)

My e-mail address lit up after the September column about church-staff compensation and benefits (it’s available at www.lcms.org/?5775).  Thanks to all the readers who responded. Many echo one reader:  “It has been my observation that a congregation with money problems is…

Dittmer on youth gathering: `You can be proud of your kids`

By Joe Isenhower Jr. “You can be proud of your kids.  They’re living out their faith.” That’s the message that “always comes back,” said Rev. Terry Dittmer as he talked about the ninth National LCMS Youth Gathering, July 24-28 in Orlando, Fla. Dittmer…

Seeking the `lost` is the greatest task, says Bible study leader

ST. LOUIS – Finding and saving people who are “lost” must be a priority for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), said Rev. David S. Smith, senior pastor, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Des Peres, Mo.   Smith led a Bible study,…

International students share experiences at training event

By Paula Schlueter Ross Even though her grandmother was Christian, Ting, 29, never heard about Jesus in her homeland of China. “She never passed the Word of Jesus to me,” said Ting, whose parents are not Christian. It was only after she came…

Nominees for president address issues (Questions 3 and 4)

Question 3. For the past triennium, the participation of an LCMS district president in the post-9/11 “A Prayer for America” at Yankee Stadium has been a subject of controversy and discussion in the Synod.  How can a member of the…

Nominees for president address issues (Questions 1 and 2)

Reporter asked the five nominees for LCMS president to answer in writing a series of questions related to issues facing the Synod, including some that will come before next month’s Synod convention. Here are their answers: Question 1. Ablaze!, reflected…

Convention delegates to act on 115 resolutions (Floor Committees 1-4)

Eight convention floor committees, meeting in St. Louis May 21 and over the weekend, prepared a total of 115 proposed resolutions for consideration by this summer’s triennial Synod convention. The proposed resolutions were prepared largely in response to a total of…

Western fire victims still `sifting ashes`

Although it’s been six months since massive wildfires burned about 750,000 acres and destroyed more than 3,600 houses in Southern California, relief workers say that some people there are still searching for lost belongings. “In fact, some people are still sifting through…

LFL affirms marriage as man-woman union

Marriage is “a God-given institution between a man and a woman.” Homosexual unions “are based on a lie rather than the Word of God … and cannot constitute a marriage,” says a statement adopted Feb. 21 by the national Lutherans…