
Seltz to direct Synod’s new Washington office

Comments (10)
  1. Whatever the reasoning for closing the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty 17 years ago, our past Administration has proven that this center is much needed to protect our Religious freedoms.

    I was very proud of Rev Dr Harrison when he made a statement contesting the decision to force Medical Insurance plans to pay for abortions, and the attacks on the Little Sisters of the Poor.

    It pleases me to know the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod has moved in this direction to be tenacious in protecting our Religious freedoms.

    Rev Dr Gregory Seltz has proven himself to be a strong communicator on the Lutheran Hour. We should pray for God’s wisdom and boldness.

  2. Leslie Anne Flatt says:

    I am happy for all concerned but will I will miss Rev. Seltz on Lutheran Hour.

  3. Raul Blum. says:

    Dr. Seltz, God bless you in your new mission. Grace and peace to you and your Family.

  4. Harvey May says:

    Good news for our society!

  5. Harvey May says:

    Thank you!

  6. Kay L. Meyer says:

    May the Lord bless you in this new position to protect our religious freedom and continue to give you His strength and wisdom as you proclaim the law and Gospel in today’s world.

  7. Bill Hartley says:

    News of this appointment comes while I’m taking a course at Concordia St. Louis on “The Two Realms”. How encouraging that the LCMS is opting to be proactive in political affairs, all the while striking the balance of theologically appropriate expectations. I pray that this will serve as an encouragement to local congregations to serve as lcrls (intentionally lower case) in the cities to which we’ve been called. Blessings, Dr. Steltz!

  8. Tom Moyer says:

    Glad to see my good friend in this position and that he has his game face on (picture above). Good things happened for our tennis and basketball teams at CCAA when ‘Nasty’ Seltz had this intent look. Confronting our culture and proclaiming the absolute truth of God’s Word is a serious game that will have life and death consequences. I’ll be praying that his work will be effective in laying out the only path that leads to life!

  9. Twyla Hanson says:

    Dr. Seltz, Congratulation’s on your call as Director for LCRL. Your staff will be serving on the Front Lines of a spiritual undertaking, and you will be missed!

    “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”
    -‭‭2 Thessalonians‬ ‭3:5‬‬ NIV

  10. Robert Bjornstad says:

    It is a good thing to have a presence in the Nation’s Capitol. I hope that the focus is not limited to “our” religious freedom; which may be somewhat self-serving. This is an opportunity to be a Christ-like voice for those who were the object of his ministry. He sought to care for those others had written of as sinners, or in-worthy, or “not one of us”. I write this in July 5th, one day after hearing read, from the Declaration of Independence: ” all have God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. As Jesus once said: “I have come that all may have life and have it abundantly”. May the LCRL advocate for abundant life for all Americans, by supporting the safety net that Social Security, Medicare, Health Care and the like provide.