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Youth leaders gather in New Orleans, look to 2025

The 2024 National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference (NATIONAL24) was held July 21–24 in New Orleans.

‘A salvation plan’: Flood recovery in Brazil

The Rio Grande do Sul region is home to the largest Lutheran population in Brazil.

Hardy installed as CUS president

The Rev. Dr. Jamison J. Hardy was installed as president of the Concordia University System on July 23 in St. Louis.

Summit considers blessings, challenges of smaller congregations

The summit is one outcome of 2023 Resolution 1–02A, which calls for aiding small congregations and multi-congregation pastors and parishes.

Harrison writes pastoral letter to CUWAA Board of Regents

The full text of the letter is now being made publicly available.

August ‘Witness’: Shepherding our students

The August issue of The Lutheran Witness takes up the topic of Lutheran education.


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