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‘Unbelievable’ loss: Historic First Lutheran finds strength in God, church
The Eaton fire is the second most destructive wildfire in California history.

Grant will support nurturing children’s faith through worship
The $750,000 grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. is funded through Lilly Endowment’s Nurturing Children Through Worship and Prayer Initiative.

‘Set Apart to Serve’ is here to stay
In November 2024, the SAS leadership team developed one- and five-year strategic plans for SAS.

Serving in all seasons
Two seasoned LCMS Lutherans are demonstrating that the Lord’s call to serve one’s neighbor never ends.

All Nations Council holds first meeting
The All Nations Council, part of All Nations Ministry, is a gathering of LCMS leaders whose work focuses on multiethnic ministry in the United States.

‘Holding to God’s promises’: Wildfires in California
No congregation or school of the LCMS has burned down, but members of many LCMS churches were affected.
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