LCMS Life Ministry was invited to participate in the first Celebrate Life Weekend, held in June to mark the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022.
Life Ministry
LCMS convention encourages building a culture of life
On July 30, the Synod in convention passed a resolution supporting efforts to promote a culture of life and made an announcement about the Million Dollar Life Match.
Life grants still available
The Million Dollar Life Match initiative, which began in early 2022, seeks to support LCMS congregations involved in providing beginning-of-life care in their local communities.
More Million Dollar Life Match grants awarded during Phase 2
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has awarded 48 grants during Phase 2 of the 1 John 3 Initiative Million Dollar Life Match. The program, which offers a total of $1 million in matching grants, seeks to support LCMS congregations involved in providing beginning-of-life care in their local communities.
‘Making Disciples for Life’: Staying awake in a world asleep
The Making Disciples for Life fall conference took place Oct. 10–12 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.
First round of Life Match grants awarded
A second set of applications is currently undergoing the review process, with a third phase to begin on Nov. 1.
‘Lifemark’: Motion picture about adoption shares pro-life message
LCMS Life Ministry has developed resources to aid viewers interested in further study and discussion of the issues raised in the movie.
Million Dollar Life Match grants awarded
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is pleased to announce that 37 congregations received grants during Phase 1 of the 1 John 3 Initiative Million Dollar Life Match.
Joint letter from LCMS President Harrison and presidents of WELS and ELS to U.S. Attorney General
“The increased violence … against churches, pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers are clearly terrorist attacks: they use violence designed to intimidate in order to achieve political ends.”
LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison addresses SCOTUS decision
Today we rejoice that the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned ‘Roe v. Wade’ and pray that all would treasure and protect life as a gift from God.
Statement from LCMS Life Ministry on the ‘Dobbs v. Jackson’ ruling
Life is precious, and we applaud the action of the U.S. Supreme Court to correct the egregious and mortal error codified in Roe v. Wade.
Evangelizing the lost through life ministry
An upcoming seminar will explore ways for those involved in life ministry or advocacy to reach the unchurched with the Gospel.
‘March on the Arch’ draws hundreds in support of life
The day began with a prayer service at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.
‘This is the moment’: Chicago marchers pray for change
On Jan. 8, LCMS marchers joined over a thousand others to march for life in Illinois.
Million Dollar Life Match applications now open
Grants will support LCMS congregations involved in providing beginning-of-life care in their local communities.
The gift of life: A letter from President Harrison
The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, shares thoughts about the sanctity of life.