
Concordia University System regents gather for training

The training was mandated by the Synod in convention.

Specialized Care conference offers practical, theological insight

Specialized Care workers extend their congregation’s Word and Sacrament ministry by providing spiritual care to those in unique circumstances.

Exhibit features Reformation-era coins, medals

The exhibit opens June 25 at Concordia Historical Institute in St. Louis.

Lutherans meet in D.C. to discuss church and state

The event was sponsored by the LCMS Office of the President and Lutheran Church Extension Fund.

Black Clergy Caucus meets during ‘time of transition’

The Black Clergy Caucus of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod held its spring conference April 9–11 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

‘With eyes fixed upon Jesus’: Call Day 2024

The two LCMS seminaries held Call Days on April 23 and 24.

Translation leaders gather for National Offering ‘summit’

The National Offering will support the ongoing translation of solid Lutheran resources into languages other than English.

God’s design for sexuality: Starting the conversation

In 2019 and 2023, the LCMS convention passed resolutions calling on the church to “address sexual orientation and gender identity issues” through intentional conversations.

Lutherans give witness to life and Christ

The March on the Arch is the largest annual pro-life demonstration in the St. Louis region.

Countdown to Call Day 2024

Both LCMS seminaries will provide live, online coverage of their upcoming Call Day and Assignment services.

DCEs meet for study, sharing

The National Association of Directors of Christian Education held its biennial conference Jan. 31–Feb. 2 in Houston.

Worker wellness coalition meets for sharing, planning

The Ministerial Care Coalition gathered in Florida March 3–5.

Hybrid conference a ‘joyful conversation’ about stewardship

There is no cost to attend the conference, which offers both online and in-person options.

Campus ministry staff to gather in May

The LCMS U Campus Ministry Staff Conference is set for May 29–30 at Luther Memorial Chapel in Shorewood, Wis.

‘An attitude of lifelong service’: Servant Event registration now open

Events will begin as early as March and continue through August.

Specialized Spiritual Care conference set for May

The deadline to register is April 19.