Cheryl Magness

Managing Editor of Reporter

541 Articles12 Comments

Cheryl Magness is managing editor of the print and online versions of Reporter, the official newspaper of the LCMS. She has written for a variety of publications, including The Federalist, Touchstone and The Lutheran Witness, and is a contributor to the book He Restores My Soul from Emmanuel Press. She has degrees in English and music and enjoys playing piano and spending time with her family.

CUS meets, visits Concordia University Chicago

The Concordia University System conducted an informal visit to the campus of Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill., Sept. 16–17.

We preach Christ crucified

Will you consider an end-of-year gift?

CTCR meets under new leadership, approves ‘Mission and Ministry’ document

The LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations met Oct. 3–4 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.

Debt relief for the church’s workers

MinistryFOCUS offers grants to pastors, teachers, directors of Christian education and other rostered LCMS church workers.

Campus clips: Concordias receive honors, launch new programs

Updates from LCMS universities, seminaries and campus ministries.

Heimer installed as manager of All Nations Ministry

Prior to serving at the LCMS International Center, Heimer ministered for 28 years on the U.S./Mexico border.

Synod boards hold fall meetings

The LCMS Board of Directors, Council of Presidents, Board for International Mission and Board for National Mission held their regularly scheduled meetings in August and September.

Campus clips: Confessing the faith on campus and beyond

Updates from LCMS campus ministries, universities and seminaries.

Church worker appreciation continues

In October, the LCMS honors pastors, deaconesses, directors of family life ministry, directors of Christian outreach, and directors of church ministries.

Hurricane Helene: Amid heartache, abiding peace

As Hurricane Milton threatens, recovery from Hurricane Helene continues.

Rajek installed as OIM executive director

Rajek previously served as director of the LCMS Eurasia region.

‘Reporter’ at 50: Reader survey

Readers are invited to take a brief (less than 5-minute) online survey about the official newspaper of the LCMS.

Hurricane Helene response: Initial assessment underway

Multiple LCMS districts and organizations will partner on the response.

A year of church worker appreciation

October kicks off a series of observances showing appreciation to those who serve the church.

‘Reporter’ at 50: New formats, same mission

In the most important way — its mission — the official newspaper of the LCMS has not changed.

From the mission field: Responding to emergencies

The LCMS Office of International Mission allocates funds for unexpected mercy needs in each of its four world regions.