Convention thanks God for disaster relief

HOUSTON — Noting the unprecedented number of natural disasters in the past three years, delegates to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod adopted Resolution 6-01, praising and thanking God for “the work He has done among us through the untold number of people and organizations” in a historic display of compassion and unity to help victims of natural disasters.

The disasters included Hurricane Ivan in 2004, the Indonesian tsunami in 2005, the Greensburg, Kan., tornado in 2007, and numerous floods around the United States.

Rev. Kurtis D. Schultz, president of the LCMS Southern District, spoke about victims of Hurricane Katrina. More than 500,000 people lost their homes and more than 1,800 died. He said more than 20,000 volunteers have come to the Gulf Coast to help clean and rebuild houses, comfort the hurting, and share Christ’s love with victims of Hurricane Katrina. Many more people also sent financial help.

“Even though we have a very long way to go on our recovery journey, we could not have come this far without the blessings of our God-given partners,” Schultz said. “Thank you as you continue to offer hope and comfort and healing and friendship and love to the people of the Gulf Coast … we give thanks to God for you.”

The theme of the Missouri Synod’s triennial convention, meeting July 14-19, is “One Message – Christ! His Love is Here for You!”

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