Delegates encourage sabbaticals, military ministry

HOUSTON – Delegates encouraged congregations to offer sabbaticals for their workers and encouraged ministry to armed forces personnel and their families in two resolutions passed July 19 by the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

As they adopted Res. 6-08, delegates encouraged the use of sabbaticals among congregations and agencies as they pertain to professional workers.  The resolution also listed sources for developing sabbatical guidelines.

“Sabbatical is a time to receive, to be nurtured, and to reflect on one’s relationship with God so that one may be renewed, refreshed, and revitalized for a life of service to others,” the resolution said.

“The stress of deployments in a war zone is tremendous, not only on the service member but also their families,” noted Res. 6-09 to encourage ministry to armed forces personnel and their families.  It encourages all districts to develop intentional and specific ministry plans for meeting the needs of service members and requested the LCMS Ministry to the Armed Forces to identify guidelines for districts.

The adoption of the two resolutions completed the convention’s consideration of resolutions from the Floor Committee on Human Care.

The LCMS convention met July 14-19 with the theme “One Mission – Christ! His Love is Here for You!”

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