LWML president brings greetings to convention

HOUSTON – Newly elected president Jan Wendorf  brought greetings from the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League to the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod this morning (July 17).
Wendorf, from Grafton, Wis., spoke of the 32nd biennial convention of the LWML, held June 21-24 in Sioux Falls, S.D., where 5,000 women attended. She referred to the opening worship service, when LCMS Third Vice President Dean Nadasdy “reminded us that our safe place is in the strong and tender hands of Christ. He cautioned us not to play it safe, but to become bold and dangerous in our service to the Lord.”

During that convention, LWML members chose 18 mission grants to fund during the next two years and set a $1.7 million goal. The LWML, with a membership of over 250,000, is the official women’s organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

In reply to Wendorf’s comments, LCMS President Gerald Kieschnick said, “On behalf of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, I express my sincere thanks to you and to your predecessors in office and to the entire LWML –- to the many, many thousands of women who are members of the LWML –- for your support for the mission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and for the millions of dollars raised throughout the 65-year-history of the LWML.”

The Synod’s triennial convention is meeting July 14-19 with the theme of “One Message – Christ! His Love is Here for You!”

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