Study emphasizes following Jesus’ example

Dr. William R. Diekelman encouraged Synod members to use Jesus’ example as their guide when sharing the Gospel message as he led the opening Bible study at the 63rd Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod on July 15 in Houston.

Basing his study on John 3:16-17, the LCMS first vice president told delegates that the example of Jesus serves as a guide for sharing the Gospel with neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family. He encouraged listeners to engage them in conversation, then offer comfort and the encouragement of God’s love in Jesus Christ.

“We are the church,” Diekelman said, “and we have been instructed [by Jesus] to go, tell, teach, baptize.”

Quoting Synod President Gerald B. Kieschnick, from his Sept. 8, 2001, inaugural speech, Diekelman said, “We must begin to view as simply unacceptable the fact that we are surrounded by people who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior from sin.” He then urged LCMS members to “boldly make known the love of Christ.”

The theme of the LCMS triennial convention, meeting July 14-19 in Houston, is “One Message – Christ! His Love is Here for You!”

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