Convention supports chaplains, military; outreach to Muslims

HOUSTON—Delegates to the Synod’s 64th Regular Convention here overwhelmingly adopted several resolutions of the Floor Committee on Missions (Floor Committee 1) July 14:

Resolution 1-05, “to affirm and encourage our military chaplains,” gives thanks and praise to God “for sending godly and dedicated pastors to serve as chaplains” and asks God to “bless them in this challenging and often dangerous ministry.”  Just prior to the vote, a veteran spoke for the resolution, expressing his thanks “to every chaplain,” and the convention responded with a standing ovation.

  • Resolution 1-06, “to encourage participation in Operation Barnabas,” asks congregations “to be especially sensitive to the needs of all military personnel who return from combat,” including non-members.  It also urges congregations to take part in the Synod’s Operation Barnabas program — which ministers to the needs of deployed and returning servicemen and women and their families, to establish standing committees for military concerns and to pray for the safety of military personnel.

    Speaking on behalf of the resolution, a pastor said he had two congregation members return from service in Iraq with “unbelievable trauma,” and Operation Barnabas was helpful to them.

    LCMS President Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick asked delegates how many had family, friends or congregation members in the military, and almost all raised their hands.  Kieschnick urged delegates to vote 100 percent for the resolution; the vote was 1,089 to 1.

  • Resolution 1-04A, “to respond to opportunities for outreach to Muslims,” calls outreach to Muslims “a very high-priority mission task that requires action from the whole church and its institutions.”  It encourages congregations and members to respond to opportunities to share their faith with “those who are seeking answers,” and commends Concordia Publishing House and Lutheran Hour Ministries for their resources on responding to Islam.   It also commends People of the Book Lutheran Outreach for its Muslim ministry, and thanks missionaries and others who have “stepped out in faith to share the Gospel in the world of Islam.”

The convention is meeting July 10-17 under the theme “ONE People—Forgiven.”  Among the approximately 3,000 participants are some 1,200 clergy and lay voting delegates.

Posted July 14, 2010

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