LCMS delegates adopt worship, reformation study and compensation resolutions

HOUSTON—Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) adopted resolutions regarding a document on worship for Synod congregations, study of the Lutheran Confessions for Reformation observances and compensation for professional church workers.

The LCMS convention is meeting July 10-17 at the George R. Brown Convention Center under the theme “ONE People–Forgiven.”  Among the approximately 3,000 participants are some 1,200 clergy and lay voting delegates.

The three resolutions were presented by the Floor Committee on District and Congregational Services, chaired by the Rev. Keith E. Kohlmeier, president of the LCMS Kansas District:

  • Resolution 2-05, “to commend Theses on Worship and Model Theological Conference on the Theology of Worship,” was adopted, 802-243, without amendments.  The resolution was discussed earlier in the convention and held for action pending resolution of a delegate’s question.  It commended the LCMS Council of Presidents for leadership in worship practices by producing Theses on Worship for congregations.  The resolution also encourages districts, circuits, congregations, seminaries and universities to engage in dialogue on the document and follow the example and use the resources from the Model Theological Conference on the Theology of Worship held earlier this year.
  • Resolution 2-06, “to encourage study of the Lutheran Confessions during Reformation celebration,” was adopted, 1,000-29, with an amendment.  It called for the Synod to encourage every congregation and educational institution “to hold regular ongoing studies on the Book of Concord of 1580 (the Lutheran Confessions).”
  • Resolution 2-07, “compensation for professional church workers,” was adopted, 1,003-61, with amendments. It encourages LCMS congregations, agencies, institutions and entities to follow district salary guidelines for professional church workers “as a minimum guide to provide proper compensation.” The floor committee accepted a proposed amendment submitted by the Rev. Charles Schulz, a delegate from Michigan, calling on “agencies, institutions and entities owned and operated by the LCMS [to] report to the next convention their progress in meeting salary guidelines,” along with the percentage of rostered workers not being compensated according to guidelines and the average percentage shortfall.

    During discussion on the resolution, one delegate said he was concerned for congregations not able to provide full compensation to pastors, and that the resolution did not provide for “dual vocation situations.”  Another delegate argued that guidelines were needed as soon as possible.

    Posted July 17, 2010

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