HOUSTON—Delegates to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) convention here adopted two resolutions July 16 concerning amendments to the Synod constitution, while turning down proposals to give priority to circuit and district convention overtures, and to reconsider an earlier action regarding election of delegates to the Synod convention.
The 64th Regular Convention of the LCMS is meeting July 10-17 at the George R. Brown Convention Center under the theme “ONE People—Forgiven.” Among the approximately 3,000 participants are some 1,200 clergy and lay voting delegates.
Delegates took the actions as the Floor Committee for Synod Structure and Governance continued its work, led by Dr. Larry A. Stoterau, president of the LCMS Pacific Southwest District:
- The convention declined, 529-576, one delegate’s proposal to reconsider its earlier action on Resolution 8-05B, election of Synod convention delegates. That resolution was referred earlier to the Committee on the Handbook.
- Resolution 8-06A, “to give priority to circuit and district overtures,” was defeated 488-617. Delegates also defeated a proposed substitute resolution. The original resolution proposed “a preferred process” for receiving overtures submitted to conventions of the Synod, with priority to circuit and district overtures submitted to conventions of the Synod.
- Resolution 8-27, to amend the Synod Constitution by adding a new Article XIV was adopted by slightly more than the required two-thirds vote, 762-346, or 68.8 percent in favor. The new article states that the convention may adopt bylaws consistent with—and that do not contradict—the Constitution of the Synod, and it makes clear that the Constitution “supersedes such bylaws and all other rules and regulations of the Synod.”
- Resolution 8-10, which amends Synod Constitution Articles X (Officers) and XI (Rights and Duties of Officers), was adopted with an amendment, 796-305 or 72 percent in favor.
The amendment changes the title of the Vice President-Finance—Treasurer to Chief Financial Officer (CFO), an earlier action of the convention. The CFO will be appointed by the Board of Directors.
One delegate argued against the proposal, suggesting the resolution seemed to establish “a layer of insulation” between the Synod and its congregations. Another argued against, saying if a proposal is not of “the Word of God,” it should not have priority.
Posted July 16, 2010