A Theft Turns into a Christian Rehabilitation Center in Mongolia


This post was shared by Rev. Matthew Heise, a missionary to Georgia and Mongolia. He has worked with the local Lutheran church in the region and led Bible studies.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

In central Mongolia, the Lord used a crime and worked it for good, according to His purposes. A few years ago, a Finnish mission society had a large amount of money stolen by someone formerly connected to the organization. The stolen money was used to buy a house in the Arhangai region of Mongolia. But our Lord has promised to work for the good of those who love Him, in ALL THINGS!

Bible study at the Christian Rehabilitation Center.

After the building was returned to the mission society, they sought ways to use it for God’s glory. The house was very dilapidated, so it would need major reconstruction. At the same time, a local Lutheran deacon named Idree had long hoped to reach out to men with alcohol problems. Alcoholism is one of the most serious problems affecting the future of Mongolia. Idree himself had once succumbed to that problem, but God in His grace saved him from a life of hopelessness. Idree earnestly desired to share his hope in Christ with others who were similarly in bondage to alcohol. Through Mission Central in western Iowa, funds were raised and it was decided that the building would be turned into a Christian Rehabilitation Center for alcoholics, and that the recipients of the ministry could be involved in the reconstruction.  What began as a tragedy turned into a wonderful opportunity to reach out to alcoholics.

Now one year later, God has blessed this project richly. The struggles associated with restoring the lives of recovering alcoholics continue. Through it all, God has blessed this outreach. The men now make handicrafts for sale to the general public. They meet for prayer and Bible study. What began as a disaster God turned into good, as He promises us in His Word.

  • Pray for the work of the Christian Rehabilitation Center and all ministry in Mongolia.
  • Support the work of Rev. Matthew Heise as he works in Georgia, Mongolia and the region.