Missouri Synod president to hold first Twitter chat

Statements & Letters

For Immediate Release

Contact: Vicki Biggs, 314-996-1236, 314-556-3829 (cell), @theLCMS

Photo: Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison

Church workers, lay members, public welcome to join the conversation

ST. LOUIS, October 17, 2013—Got questions about the LCMS? Tweet them to the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), who will hold his first Twitter chat from 11 a.m. to noon CT Wednesday, Oct. 23.

Harrison will share his priorities for the next triennium and discuss other issues facing the church during the live conversation. Pastors and other church workers, lay members and other interested parties are invited to participate in the discussion.

“Technology allows the leadership to hear from the people of the church,” Harrison said. “That’s a very good thing.”

Harrison began serving his second term as LCMS president in September.

Twitter users are encouraged to sign into their accounts and tweet their questions using the hashtag #LCMSPresident. Those interested also can follow the discussion or participate by visiting www.twubs.com/LCMSPresident.

Individuals who do not have Twitter accounts can send their questions to the LCMS Church Information Center at infocenter@lcms.org with the subject line “President’s tweet chat” by Oct. 22.

A follow-up article after the Twitter conversation will appear on Reporter Online and a transcript of the conversation will be posted on www.lcms.org.

About The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is a biblical, confessional, witness-oriented Christian denomination with 2.3 million members – 600,000 households – in 6,200 congregations. Through acts of witness and mercy, the church carries out its mission worldwide to make known the love of Jesus Christ. Learn more at www.lcms.org.
