LMI’s outreach manager talks about her trip to Kenya



Last November, I joined a volunteer team traveling to Kenya to carry out program work for the Lutheran Malaria Initiative.

I thank God for this amazing opportunity and the rich experiences with which I was blessed! I shall forever remember my Kenyan brothers and sisters for their hospitality and the singular experience of worship and prayer in Swahili — it was truly the communion of saints in God’s house!

It was a joy to fulfill the mission of LMI through:

  • Distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated bed nets (LLINs) door to door and during community-wide distribution events. We distributed 8,520 nets over four days!
  • Educational programs to inform local families on the proper use of LLINs.
  • Training programs with local volunteers, community and church leaders to prepare them to be advocates for malaria prevention methods.
  • Sharing the life-saving Gospel message!

Along with the fantastic volunteers from Redeemer Lutheran Church, Marquette, Mich.; St. Paul Lutheran Church, Ontonagon, Mich.; and Salem Lutheran Church, Tomball, Texas, I traveled with colleagues from The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and Lutheran World Relief, the primary partners in LMI.

I was truly uplifted by the energy and spirit of my colleagues and our amazing brothers and sisters from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya — each of whom is committed to the mission of LMI.

A heartfelt thank you is extended to each of you, our congregation members, school children and LWML volunteers who have worked so hard to raise funds for LMI. We are truly part of making a difference in the worldwide effort to end malaria deaths in Africa!

What happens next? I am energized and led by the Holy Spirit to use this experience to enrich my work, charge and calling to mobilize our congregations and our schools to engage in the mission of LMI for the United States: To pray; to tell others about the fight we have undertaken to end malaria deaths in Africa; and to raise money that we might carry out programming to provide education, prevention from and treatment for malaria in Africa. Let’s finish strong!

Dionne Lovstad-Jones, manager, Development Outreach, LMI, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Need LMI resources? Contact me at  dionne.lovstad-jones@lcms.org or 219-380-1034.

Learn More

To learn more about LMI’s work in Africa, I encourage you to read the August issue of the LMI Update. Find the latest news: http://www.lcms.org/publications/lmi-update or www.lcms.org/lmi. Please share the links with others, post the newsletter to your website, and print and display it at your church or school. Encourage others to learn more about LMI!