Items wanted, available (Jan. 2018)

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Notices should be sent to The deadline for the February issue is Jan. 10.


Handbells, for beginning players, one or two octaves. Contact

Luther’s Works, any volume. Contact Jenni at 573-636-6750.


Baptismal font, wooden, eight-sided, with cross on lid. Good/fair condition. Call 830-663-3735.

Christmas trees, 10-foot (2), and Lutheran Hymnals, blue (copyright 1992, about 165, including 1 large-print, 1 lectionary and 1 altar book). Contact

Wooden altar, communion rails (2, L-shaped), baptismal font, pulpit and chairs (50, red and purple). Email

Luther’s Small Catechism (copyright 1980, 7 copies, and 1971, 7); catechetical helps and workbooks (5); large-print NIV Bibles (25); large-print (4) and regular-print TEV Bibles (12); marriage candle set; wedding chalice and paten; baptismal napkins and candles (7); offering plates (3); box of 16-inch lighting tapers; altar candles (17); Lenten coin folders; royal-blue choir robes (2 small, 3 medium, 1 large); bulletin-board supplies (secular and religious); teaching and Bible-story pictures; language flash cards; classroom Bible maps and charts; books of sermon illustrations and object lessons; Chrismons; banners; bulletin boards; prayer booklets; Good News periodicals; youth-ministry games/activities; Christian songbooks; songbooks of contemporary songs of the ’70s, ’80s and ’90s; Bible-study booklets; room-divider panels (42×36-inch, tan, 6); room-divider panels (66×36-inch, tan, 3); Communion linens; albs (medium); stoles; cassock and surplice; banner poles and base; American and Christian flags, poles, bases; books for pastor/vicar library; books for church library; service-bulletin stock; offering envelopes. Contact or call/text 402-369-4637.