Sailer re-elected president of LCMS South Dakota District

2018 District Conventions


The Rev. Scott C. Sailer was elected to his second term as president of the LCMS South Dakota District at the district’s 61st convention, April 19–21 in Sioux Falls, S.D. Sailer was elected on the first ballot.


Also elected were:

  • Rev. Randy Sturzenbecher of Black Hawk, S.D., first vice-president; and
  • Rev. Timothy Rynearson of Brookings, S.D., second vice-president.

The elected officers were installed during the convention.

Delegates adopted a resolution tied to the convention theme, “Behold Your God! What Help! What Hope!” (from Is. 40:9), that points all people to God — Father, Son and Holy Spirit — to be their help and hope.

The resolution encourages congregations to hold at least one weekly Bible study, asks circuits to work together to equip laypeople to share the Gospel through word and deed, and urges congregations and schools to apply for district-funded Harvest Grants to help support outreach and mercy activities in their communities.

Other adopted resolutions call for:

  • recognizing the upcoming 25th anniversaries of district-funded mission work on the Rosebud and Pine Ridge Native American Reservations, thanking God for those who have shared the Gospel with Native Americans in South Dakota and encouraging the district’s congregations and schools to continue their support for Native American mission work.
  • eliminating the “Huron Circuit” and assigning affected congregations to neighboring circuits. The resolution also directs the district board of directors to appoint a committee to develop a plan for circuit realignment and present it to the 2021 district convention.
  • thanking God for the faithful service of Terry Schmidt, director of LCMS School Ministry; recognizing district schools that have received National Lutheran School Accreditation; and encouraging all Lutheran schools in the district to strive for excellence in their ministries.

Posted April 26, 2018