Official notice: LCMS districts (Oct. 2019)

DIANE S. SMITH, MOLLY M. SEABORN, KAYLA JURKOVICH, JUSTIN E. JOHNSON and JACOB B. BIDWELL have been removed from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and are, therefore, no longer eligible to receive a call. — Rev. Dr. John R. Denninger, president, Southeastern District

REV. KENT BORGLUM, Montevideo, Minn., has been appointed circuit visitor for Montevideo Circuit 18, replacing Rev. Steven Frank. — Rev. Donald J. Fondow, president, Minnesota North District

REV. DANIEL KEMPIN, Midland, Mich., has been appointed circuit visitor for Circuit 5, replacing Rev. Tige Culbertson. — Rev. Dr. David P.E. Maier, president, Michigan District

ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH, Strasburg, Ill., and GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH, Strasburg, Ill., have agreed to form a common parish. — Rev. Mark A. Miller, president, Central Illinois District

REV. COREY AKER, Sioux Falls, S.D., has been appointed circuit visitor for Sioux Falls Circuit 7, replacing Rev. Dr. Raymond L. Hartwig. — Rev. Scott C. Sailer, president, South Dakota District

REV. ROBERT KUEFNER, Lexington, Neb., has been appointed circuit visitor for Kearney Circuit 10, replacing Rev. Micah Gaunt. — Rev. Richard Snow, president, Nebraska District

REV. DONALD ERICKSON, Germantown, Iowa, has been appointed circuit visitor for Cherokee Circuit 5, replacing Rev. Leroy Riemer. ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL, Sac City, Iowa, has closed. — Rev. Dr. Steven D. Turner, president, Iowa District West

KYLE LANG has been removed from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and is, therefore, no longer eligible to receive a call. — Rev. Dr. Kevin Wilson, president, Ohio District

Posted Sept. 30, 2019