Official notice: LCMS districts (Dec. 2020)

NIKELLE MILLER, LORA RISSMAN, REBECCA GONZALEZ and GRETCHEN KRUEGER have resigned from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and are, therefore, no longer eligible to receive a call. JACQUELINE EASLEY, JESSICA SWETT and RANDELL VENZKE have been removed from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and are, therefore, no longer eligible to receive a call. — Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss, president, Northern Illinois District

REV. DAVID A. JOHNSON has resigned from the ordained roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and is, therefore, no longer eligible to receive a call. HEATHER M. HARMANN has resigned from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and is, therefore, no longer eligible to receive a call. — Rev. Michael W. Newman, president, Texas District

REV. NICHOLAS MARTINEZ has been removed from the ordained roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and is, therefore, no longer eligible to receive a call. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH, Larned, Kan., and OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH, Great Bend, Kan., have dissolved the multi-congregation parish and remain congregations of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. — Rev. Justin A. Panzer, president, Kansas District

REV. ROBERT MCCANLESS, Pittsburgh, Pa., has been appointed circuit visitor for Pittsburgh Southeast Circuit 13, replacing Rev. Paul Yanke. UNITY MISSION LUTHERAN PRESCHOOL, Pittsburgh, Pa., is now closed. — Rev. Dr. Chris Wicher, president, Eastern District 

Posted Nov. 30, 2020