Statement of nominations: President, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

The processional crucifix during a Service of Installation for President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and the vice-presidents, officers, and board and commission members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod on Friday, Sept. 13, 2019, in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. LCMS Communications/Erik M. Lunsford

The following 44 individuals have been nominated as candidates for election as the 11th president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, per LCMS bylaws, and have allowed their names to stand for consideration:

Dr. Joel D. Biermann

Dr. Ralph Blomenberg

Dr. Gerhard H. Bode Jr.

Dr. Jon S. Bruss

Dr. Kirk M. Clayton

Dr. Anthony A. Cook

Dr. Burnell F. Eckardt

Dr. Joel C. Elowsky

Dr. Glenn K. Fluegge

Dr. Kevin S. Golden

Dr. Paul J. Grime

Dr. Gifford A. Grobien

Dr. Benjamin D. Haupt

Dr. Erik H. Herrmann

Dr. Jeffrey J. Kloha

Dr. Robert R. Lessing

Dr. David P. E. Maier

Dr. Walter A. Maier III

Dr. Aaron M. Moldenhauer

Dr. Steven P. Mueller

Dr. Edward A. Naumann

Dr. Martin R. Noland 

Gerald A. Paul

Robert W. Paul
(Houston, Texas)

Dr. Paul A. Philp

Dr. Christian A. Preus 

Dr. David R. Preus 

Dr. Jacob A. O. Preus III

Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr.

Dr. Harold Ristau

Dr. Matthew W. Rueger

Dr. Douglas L. Rutt 

Dr. Leopoldo A. Sánchez M.

Dr. Peter J. Scaer

Dr. Travis J. Scholl

Dr. Klaus D. Schulz

Dr. William W. Schumacher

Dr. Ken R. Schurb 

Dr. Mark A. Seifrid

Dr. Jeffrey E. Skopak

Dr. Dien A. Taylor

Dr. James W. Voelz

Dr. Lucas V. Woodford

Dr. Thomas J. Zelt

Presidential nominations, per the LCMS Handbook, were submitted by LCMS congregations, the seminary’s Board of Regents and the seminary faculty.

During the next phase of the search, the Presidential Search Committee will evaluate each of the candidates and will recommend at least five candidates from the list of nominees to the four electors. Electors meet May 16 to elect the new president. The four electors include one vote from the Board of Regents voting as a group, one vote from the LCMS district president serving on the board as a voting member, one vote from the chairman of the LCMS Board of Directors and one vote from the LCMS president. The election of the president requires three of four elector votes.

The new president will succeed President Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer, who will retire June 30. Meyer became the seminary’s 10th president in 2005.

Current information about the seminary’s presidential search can be found at

Posted Feb. 3, 2020