Deadline to apply for national development grant extended to March 1

(LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Office of National Mission (ONM) offers national development grants to aid LCMS congregations, Recognized Service Organizations and districts to make known the love of Christ in word and deed within their churches and communities. National development grants are awarded on an annual basis. For the 2022 grant cycle, the application deadline has been extended to March 1, with awards to be announced in June.

National development grants have been used for a range of projects and goals. In 2021, the grants focused on using technology to share the Gospel, particularly in the face of pandemic-related challenges. These Esther 4:14 grants, as they were called, were awarded to 225 congregations.

For 2022, the focus is on post-COVID and multicultural outreach, with the goal of leading more people to LCMS Word and Sacrament ministry. There are no specific directives on how to accomplish this objective, but the ONM especially encourages creative proposals that will advance the domestic mission work of the LCMS.

“We’re looking for innovative and repeatable projects that can be shared with the entire Synod and meet success in a number of congregations beyond the originators,” said Deaconess Maryann Hayter, LCMS manager of grants administration.

Learn more or apply for a national development grant.

Posted Jan. 13, 2022