Items wanted, available (Dec. 2022)

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Notices should be sent to The deadline for the January issue is Nov. 30.


Luther’s Small Catechism, English, new or used for 5,000-plus Lutheran students in Liberia. Call or text 260-409-8006. Note: This notice was published in November with an incorrect phone number. 

LSB Organ Accompaniment CD set. Email

Handbells (octaves four and five) and/or Choirchime® set (37-note or more). Contact Eileen Metcalfe at

Van, 12–15 passenger, needed by pastor. Contact or 870-476-0028.


Worship resources, including 17 copies of Lutheran Worship (blue) and accompaniment books for hymns and liturgy. Also 10 copies of Lutheran Book of Worship (green) with liturgy accompaniment book. Contact or 631-589-3202, ext. 105.

Lutheran Worship (1982, blue), 72 copies. Email or call 541-826-4334. 

Oak church pews, various lengths. Must be picked up in Altamont, Ill., first week of January 2023. Contact pastor at

Communion wine cup tray (2) with cover and 50 glass cups (silver), Christian flag with or without flagpole and base, 37 copies of Lutheran Service Book, 40 copies of Lutheran Worship (1982). Contact

Posted Nov. 29, 2022