Kaleidoscope Fund grants available for K–8 schools

(LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

On Jan. 15, Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) announced the opening of the 2022 grant process for its long-standing Kaleidoscope Fund. This year, eligibility will be limited to LCMS K–8 elementary schools. Those who are interested and eligible for the grant should submit a grant application by June 1.

“The Kaleidoscope Fund is an additional avenue for LCEF to support the work of the church,” said the Rev. Bart Day, LCEF president and CEO. “When we have a good year, we can pass on those blessings to strengthen Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod [LCMS] ministries in the form of this grant.” 

This year’s grants will focus on four categories:

  • Faculty wellness (e.g., continuing education, retreats or sabbaticals for staff);
  • Curriculum development (e.g., engaging specialists in content areas or working with other schools to develop shared programs);
  • Technology (e.g., improving existing programs/tools or adding new ones); and
  • Student engagement/outreach (e.g., connecting with the homeschool community, providing after-school tutoring or reaching out to the community).

Funds will be granted in amounts between $10,000 and $40,000. 

“Because the face of Christianity is changing,” Day said, “our schools have become outposts for the proclamation of Christ. We rejoice in Lutheran educators who teach the core academic subjects and the faith in our schools. We share a fervent passion for supporting and empowering their work in any way we can — like the Kaleidoscope Fund.”

The grant application deadline is June 1. To find out more or start the grant process, visit lcef.org/kaleidoscope.

Posted Feb. 16, 2022