Congregational Anniversaries (November 2023)


The Lutheran Witness welcomes notices 50 words or less from LCMS congre­gations about their upcoming “milestone” anniversaries. Send notices at least three months in advance to — Ed.

OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH, Eau Claire, Wis., is celebrating its 100th anniversary December 3. District President, Rev. Dr. Dwayne Lueck, will be the guest preacher at the 9:30 a.m. anniversary service. Dinner will follow immediately after the service.

TRANSFIGURATION LUTHERAN CHURCH, St. Louis, Mo., is celebrating its 120th anniversary with a banquet Saturday afternoon, November 11. Rev. Victor Belton will be guest preacher for the Sunday, November 12 service at 11:00 a.m. For more information, email or visit our website and Facebook page.