National Mission installs managing directors

LCMS Chief Mission Officer Rev. Kevin Robson (not pictured) blesses Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor during daily chapel at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis on June 8. Manor, the Rev. Dr. Mark Wood and the Rev. Michael Meyer (standing behind Manor, from left) were installed, respectively, as the LCMS Office of National Mission’s managing directors of Human Care and Ministerial Support; Church Planting, Renewal and Support; and Congregations and Districts. (LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

On June 8, during daily chapel at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis, the LCMS Office of National Mission (ONM) installed three current ONM workers into new positions.

Deaconess Dr. Tiffany Manor now serves as the ONM managing director for Human Care and Ministerial Support. In this role, she will oversee the operations of the ONM’s ministries related to life, health, family, deaconesses, specialized care, grants, stewardship and church worker wellness. Manor first joined National Mission in April 2020 as director of LCMS Life Ministry.

The Rev. Michael Meyer now serves as ONM managing director for Congregations and Districts. In this role, he will design, develop and implement ONM strategic and operational plans and ensure their faithful execution by the various programmatic departments that serve districts, congregations, schools and Recognized Service Organizations. Meyer has served in National Mission since 2013, and he continues to lead LCMS Disaster Response’s training program.

The Rev. Dr. Mark Wood now serves as managing director for Church Planting, Renewal and Support. In this role, he will oversee the ONM’s work in the areas of Black Ministry, Hispanic Ministry, Rural & Small Town Mission, Urban & Inner-City Mission and Witness & Outreach Ministry, among others. Wood has served in National Mission since 2014, when he served as director of LCMS Witness & Outreach Ministry and the Synod’s Revitalization initiative.

During comments after the service, the Rev. Daniel Galchutt, who began as executive director of the ONM earlier this year, said, “I am very thankful that we have gotten to this day. … and for all the work that you do for the Office of National Mission in your respective areas.”

Posted July 5, 2023