Harrison letter to CUWAA Board of Regents

Statements & Letters

On June 5, Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison wrote a pastoral letter to the Board of Regents of Concordia University Wisconsin and Ann Arbor (CUWAA). The full text of the letter is now being made publicly available. Read more about the letter and CUWAA

Commemoration of Boniface of Mainz, Missionary to the Germans, A.D. 2024

June 5, 2024

Dear Regents,

Grace and peace in Jesus.

I want to share a few thoughts as you move forward with the challenges of the Ann Arbor (AA) question. Forgive the lack of formality in this missive. I’m in Iowa tending to my elderly parents this week.

First, I am totally sympathetic to the Michigan District’s shock and concern over the future of the Ann Arbor campus. To be informed that an institution with record enrollment is not viable as currently constituted was a terrible and disappointing revelation. Their skepticism is completely understandable. And to be fair, the rollout of the information could have been done differently. But these are matters of the law, and such matters can always be critiqued. None of us is Jesus.

Second, I had our CFO evaluate the numbers, in consultation with some of the best financial minds in the CUS system. He concluded that the financial challenge to both institutions is very real, and strong measures are required to guarantee the future. 

Third, I recognize after speaking at some length with Dr. Ankerberg that there are philosophical issues/differences on the nature of sustainable Lutheran education at AA. 

Fourth, I acknowledge that CUW/AA leadership have been sorely and publicly slandered in a way that caused deep pain and offense. And most of that slander has, honorably, remained unanswered.

Fifth, in spite of all this, it is my continued plea that AA not be closed, that as many programs as possible be retained at the AA campus, and that the campus be maintained, looking toward future growth. This has been my consistent plea with CUW/AA leadership. 

I have tried not to meddle. I did seek a consultation with Concordia, St. Paul, but with the approval of Dr. Ankerberg. I know that the responsibilities in this matter are squarely in the hands of the Board of Regents. 

It is my sincere prayer that in this challenging situation the Lord will bless in a way that is finally a great benefit to CUW/AA and our beloved Michigan District, which is so vital and important to the life of the Synod. 

In Christ Jesus,

Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, President, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod