Lutheran Synod of Mexico president and others safe after kidnapping

Lutheran Synod of Mexico President Rev. Isaac Garcia (second from left) is pictured with five other church workers after the group’s safe return to Mexico City following their kidnaping. (Lutheran Synod of Mexico)

By Mathew Block

MEXICO — Lutherans in Mexico are thanking God for the safe return of Rev. Isaac Garcia, president of the Lutheran Synod of Mexico (Sínodo Luterano de México – SLM) and five other church workers after they were recently kidnapped.

On Sept. 5, Garcia was traveling with another pastor and four deaconesses from Mexico City to Cacahoatán, Chiapas, in the south of Mexico. “Our intention was to share a workshop with the brothers and sisters on Lutheran identity, to hold a class with the children, to conduct a medical and service brigade, and to finish with Divine Service,” Garcia explained. “Unfortunately, about 750 kilometers from Mexico City and five hours from our destination, we were intercepted by two trucks with armed men. We quickly identified ourselves as pastors and told them the purpose of our trip, but they did not care.”

What followed was a harrowing experience. After being stripped of their money, phones and other belongings — including their rented van and items that were intended for distribution in Cacahoatán — Garcia and his companions were taken off the road to a place where about 24 other people had also been kidnapped. “We were held there for approximately six hours, kneeling, with our eyes closed and some of us blindfolded,” Garcia said.

“Despite all this, God was with us,” he continued, “and we were able to feel peace in the midst of the situation, knowing that our lives were in God’s hands, literally living what St. Paul says: ‘For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain’” (Phil. 1:21).

After about six hours, the group was finally released. “At that moment, I was able to lead a prayer with all those who had been kidnapped,” Garcia recalled, noting that “our intention was to share God’s love in one way” that day, but ultimately “we were able to do so in a different way.” The group eventually made their way safely home to Mexico City.

“After reflecting on the situation, we simply ask God to continue being with us as we know He is,” Garcia continued, “and to keep leading us to those who need to hear, repent and come to Christ. We pray for all missionaries around the world, that God may watch over and protect them at all times.”

“We are deeply grateful that God safely delivered our brothers and sisters in Mexico from this serious situation,” said the Rev. Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz, general secretary of the International Lutheran Council (ILC). “May God comfort them with His presence as they recover from this frightening ordeal and encourage them with the knowledge of His love and care for each of them. And may He continue to raise up courageous witnesses for Christ both in Mexico and throughout the entire world.”

The Lutheran Synod of Mexico is a member church of the ILC, a worldwide association of confessional Lutheran churches that proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the basis of an unconditional commitment to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

Mathew Block ( is manager of communications for the International Lutheran Council.

Posted Sept. 20, 2024