Official notice: LCMS districts (Jan. 2025)

Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Waukegan, Ill., has merged with Faith Lutheran Church, Lake Forest, Ill. — Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss, president, Northern Illinois District

Rev. Andrew Johnson, Wixom, Mich., has been appointed circuit visitor for Kensington Circuit 26, replacing Rev. Jonathan Moyer. — Rev. David A. Davis, president, Michigan District

Andrew Muich’s request for reinstatement to the roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has been approved, and he is, therefore, able to receive a call. — Rev. Dr. William A. Harmon, president, Southeastern District

Stephanie H. DeHaven, Elizabeth Williams and Michelle L. Griffin have resigned from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and are, therefore, no longer able to receive a call. Adam J. Hengeveld, Paula D. Maddux and Jonathan P. Telschow’s requests for reinstatement to the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod have been approved, and they are, therefore, able to receive a call. — Rev. Michael W. Newman, president, Texas District

Rev. Luke Kammrath has resigned from the ordained roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and is, therefore, no longer able to receive a call. St. Luke Lutheran Church, Kansas City, Kan., has resigned its membership. — Rev. Justin A. Panzer, president, Kansas District

Katherine Elizabeth Bendo has been removed from the commissioned roster of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and is, therefore, no longer able to receive a call. — Rev. Dr. Kevin Wilson, president, Ohio District

Posted Dec. 16, 2024