Pastoral colloquy policy manual receives updates

(LCMS/Erik M. Lunsford)

An updated policy manual and application for admission to the pastoral ministry of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) by colloquy are now available at The updated manual and application were adopted by the LCMS Colloquy Committee for Pastoral Ministry (CCPM) on Sept. 8, 2023, and replace the previous versions as of June 13, 2024. 

Pastoral colloquy is the process by which men who meet specific criteria may secure admission to the ministerium of the LCMS through a “colloquy,” or conversation, with the CCPM. To be eligible to apply for colloquy, applicants must fit into one of two categories: 

  • He must have completed preparation for the pastoral ministry in a non-LCMS institution and be currently serving in a non-LCMS church body at the time of application; or 
  • He must have completed preparation for the pastoral ministry in a non-LCMS institution but not be currently serving as a pastor in his former non-LCMS church body. In addition, he must be a communicant member of an LCMS congregation. 

The pastoral colloquy process comprises a number of specific steps. The candidate must first meet with the president of his LCMS district before beginning work on the application. An interview with a district committee, which includes both the candidate and his wife, follows. 

Additional steps include a background check; a seminary entry-level Christian doctrine competency exam; an application and autobiography; an essay on select parts of Luther’s Small Catechism; two recent sermons; three letters of recommendation; a statement of support from the candidate’s wife (who must also be a member of an LCMS congregation); academic transcripts; a statement of support from the candidate’s district president (DP), along with the DP’s commitment to work toward the candidate’s call and placement in the district; an in-person interview with the CCPM; and possible additional work or study prior to certification. 

The pastoral colloquy process was last updated in October 2018. With the current update, the most significant changes are:

  • Improved clarity on the categories of eligibility for colloquy;
  • Improved clarity on accommodation for applicants whose first language is not English;
  • The addition of the Christian doctrine competency exam (used only as an indicator for the committee, not as an entrance exam);
  • A change from requiring two essays to requiring only one; and
  • The requirement of two recent sermons from the candidate (previously, none were required).

Since the Synod’s beginning in 1847, colloquy has been an important route by which qualified men can become pastors in the LCMS. During the last triennium, the CCPM certified 78 men for call and initial placement onto the LCMS roster. The CCPM thanks the district presidents for their work in assisting such men to apply for colloquy and encourages LCMS pastors and others to keep colloquy in mind in their interactions with non-LCMS pastors in their communities.

Posted June 27, 2024