‘Reporter’ at 50: New formats, same mission

In observance of the 50th anniversary of Reporter, this column includes short snippets of Reporter history.  

In previous installments we looked at a few of the ways Reporter has changed over the years: publishing frequency, format and use of color.

But in the most important way — its mission — Reporter has not changed. From its beginning until now, Reporter has been dedicated to informing the members of the LCMS — i.e., the Synod’s congregations and rostered workers — about the news of the church. As Reporter has expanded its scope from print only to print and digital, it has also expanded its reach, sharing that news with anyone who wants to read. But the basic mission has remained the same.

To demonstrate, here are a few headlines pulled from the September issue of Reporter 10, 20, 30 and 40 years ago. 


“Grant expands care to immigrant children in Texas”

“Harrison issues statement on Christian persecution”


“Lutherans help Hurricane Charley victims”

“Seminaries set fall visits”


“Synod supports two new missions in Uganda, Guinea”

“Synod’s unrestricted fund ends fiscal year in black”


“Registration opens for Lutherans For Life convention”

“Justification is the heart of all parish life”

It’s remarkable, from one decade to the next, how similar they are. One might ask, “Don’t you Lutherans ever change?” To which we might reply, “The circumstances may change, but the mission of the church does not.” 

That mission is summarized well in our official mission statement: “In grateful response to God’s grace and empowered by the Holy Spirit through Word and Sacraments, the mission of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is vigorously to make known the love of Christ by word and deed within our churches, communities and the world.”

Thanks be to God!

Posted Sept. 24, 2024