COP: Seminarians' wives need to be members of LCMS congregations

Should wives of seminary students necessarily be Missouri Synod Lutherans? Yes, says the Synod’s Council of Presidents (COP).

The COP Nov. 19 adopted a policy that wives of married seminary students be members “in good standing” of an LCMS congregation before the student will be assigned to a vicarage. Vicarage is a 12-month internship, usually served in the student’s third seminary year.

“In all cases,” says the policy, “the student’s wife must be a member of an LCMS congregation before he receives a call at placement.”

Southern Illinois District President Herbert Mueller, chairman of the COP committee that recommended the policy, said congregations that receive a vicar or candidate have certain expectations, including that his wife will be a Missouri Synod Lutheran.

The COP met Nov. 19-21 in Miami, Fla., site of this year’s Lutheran Church Extension Fund Fall Leadership Conference.

December 2003