ALOA Lutherhostel set for Tucson

The 11th annual Arizona Lutherhostel sponsored by the national Association of Lutheran Older Adults (ALOA) will be held March 7-11 in Tucson, Ariz.  The event is designed to provide an “opportunity for older adults to experience intellectual, social and spiritual growth in a relaxed setting,” according to an ALOA news release.
Daily presentations on “Holy Hilarity,” “And God Said, ‘Lighten Up,'” “Living Well in the Lord” and other topics will be given by Dr. Richard Bimler, president of Wheat Ridge Ministries, Itasca, Ill.  Bimler is the author of several books on faith and humor, and a frequent speaker.
Music and daily devotions will be led by Timothy Strand, minister of music and worship at University Lutheran Church of Hope in Minneapolis.
Other presentations will be offered on “Lutherans and Roman Catholics — Then and Now”; attracting butterflies to your yard; prison ministries; the Navajo Lutheran Mission at Rock Point, Ariz.; tai chi; Norwegian folk painting; and Norwegian folk dancing.  Nature hikes and a tour of the historic John C. Fremont house also will be available.
Registration for the five-day Lutherhostel is $210, plus $225 for lodging and meals.  Commuters who do not require lodging may register for $275, which includes meals.
For more information, contact Walt Schmidt at (623) 937-8835 or

Posted Oct. 4, 2004

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