Concordia, Austin, publishes book on Wends

To celebrate the 150th anniversary this fall of the Wendish immigration to the United States, Concordia University Press, the publishing arm of Concordia University at Austin, has published A Rock Against Alien Waves: The History of the Wends.
Written by Dr. Charles Wukasch, an Austin resident and Missouri Synod Wend, the new book relates the 1,500-year history of the Wends, a Slavic people who have their own language and customs but never have had a country of their own.
During the Reformation, the Wends lived between Berlin and Dresden, along the current Czech and Polish borders, and became Lutheran in large numbers.  Their young men studied under Martin Luther in Wittenberg, and their first literature was the translation of the Bible, hymns and Luther’s Small Catechism into Wendish.
More than 500 Lutheran Wends emigrated to Texas in 1854, and over the years established numerous Lutheran congregations.  Concordia University at Austin was founded in 1926 by 13 congregations, largely of Wendish origin.
Wends have served as pastors, teachers and other church leaders in The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  Current Synod President Gerald Kieschnick is of Wendish ancestry.
A Rock Against Alien Waves: The History of the Wends is available for $10, plus $5 shipping and handling, from Concordia University Press.  To order, call the Concordia University Development Office at (800) 923-4282.

Posted Oct. 4, 2004

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