June Positions

The Board of Governors of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League invites applications and nominations for the position of executive director, based at its Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) headquarters in St. Louis.  The executive director provides leadership to accomplish the vision and mission of LHM (www.lhm.org/aboutus.htm) and is accountable directly to the Board of Governors.
As the chief administrative and executive staff member, the executive director will have wide latitude to lead a diverse and creative international media ministry.  Successful management will assure compliance with board directives and policies and provide a sound financial basis for ministry operations.  The job description may be viewed in detail at www.lhm.org/execdirector.htm.
Candidates must be LCMS or LCC lay members who desire to speak boldly of the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  The successful candidate will demonstrate a track record of effective organizational, management, supervisory and leadership skills at an executive level in a secular or comparable not-for-profit organization.  Experience in anticipating, defining and analyzing issues, and initiating timely actions using proven business judgment will be essential.
Applications and nominations are welcome.  Send resume with cover letter and salary history to Kay Ballard, Executive Search Consultant, at ExecutiveDirector.Search@lhm.org.

The Synod’s Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support (CMGS) seeks further nominations for an executive director.
The executive director reports to the commission and to the Synod president, and is responsible for providing principal leadership in promoting the vocational development and continuing education of our church’s workers and the well-being of our church’s workers and their family members. 
Duties include promoting and providing tools to help congregations be sensitive to and provide for the vocational development, continuing education, and health and well-being of the church’s workers and their families; facilitating positive personal relation-ships, family interactions and healthy lifestyle behaviors; supporting church workers by creating and administrating continuing-education initiatives such as the Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support (PALS), the Coaching Principals and Welcoming New Teachers; and serving as an advocate for church workers through various writings. 
A nominee must be an active member of an LCMS congregation; be faithful to the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions; be supportive of the Synod’s Constitution, Bylaws and policies; have experience in counseling, education, health management or promotion, or a related discipline; be a rostered church worker of the Synod with demonstrated understanding of and commitment to wholistic wellness and vocational development; and have proven competence in administration and leadership. 
Nominations should be submitted by July 15 to David Fiedler, Human Resources, The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, 1333 S. Kirkwood Road, St. Louis, MO 63122-7295; LCMSJobs@lcms.org; or fax (314) 996-1121.

Posted May 28, 2004

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