Kidwell, Lewis take top Int`l LLL, LHM posts

The International Lutheran Laymen’s League and its media outreach arm, Lutheran Hour Ministries, have announced new leadership.
Delegates Kidwellto the Int’l LLL’s 87th annual international convention, July 22-25 in Rapid City, S.D., elected John “Jack” Kidwell of Bay City, Mich., as LLL president.  He succeeds Alvin Waldron, who has served in the post since 2000.
Kidwell, 46, has served the auxiliary in numerous positions, including president of the Michigan District and two-term governor of Region 5.  He is president of The Corinthian Group, LLC, a fund development consulting firm in Saginaw, Mich., and holds a law degree from Valparaiso University, Valparaiso, Ind.  He began work in his new position in July.

Also during the convention, Greg E. Lewis of Columbia, TLewisenn., was named executive director of Lutheran Hour Ministries.
Lewis, 53, brings to the post 29 years of experience in the private sector and has served numerous non-profit organizations.  He founded Manufacturer’s Outsource Service of Tennessee, Columbia, in 1994 and served as its president and CEO until this year.
Lewis, who begins work in the post Aug. 9, succeeds Interim Executive Director Don Bennett, who has served in the position since Nov. 1, 2003.  Bennett will continue to serve the ministry as a district manager supervisor in Lansing, Mich.
Also elected during the convention were H. Werner Essig, Starkville, Miss., financial secretary; Alvin Etzler, Sunderland, Md., Region 2 governor; Jerry Brown, Seymour, Ind., Region 4 governor; Eugene Fiedler, Green Bay, Wis., Region 6 governor; David Sturm, Hoopestown, Ill., Region 8 governor; Ron Schaulat, Oklahoma City, Region 10 governor; Don Brandenburg, Edgeley, N.D., Region 12 governor; and Clifton Shout, Lancaster, Calif., Region 14 governor.

Posted July 30, 2004

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