Lutheran Witness sends `special report` issue

A new “special report” on the national and international work of the Missouri Synod, its districts and congregations is being provided to more than 500,000 LCMS households through the June/July issue of The Lutheran Witness.
“One Mission Ablaze!  To the Ends of the Earth,” the 2004 Synod convention theme, also is the theme of the special-report issue.
Rev. David L. Mahsman, executive editor of The Lutheran Witness, said the magazine’s regular circulation was more than doubled for the June/July issue.  That was made possible, he said, by funding from several synodical units and from Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
“This is an effort to help the members of LCMS congregations get a better picture of the broad scope of work they are doing together with each other in the name of Christ Jesus,” Mahsman said.
The Lutheran Witness is one of the Synod’s two official periodicals.  Reporter is the other.

Posted June 25, 2004

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