Positions (Sept.)

Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, seeks a full-time editor of music/worship materials.  The editor will cooperatively edit, develop and market essential products including attendant music products, Lutheran Service Book, companion editions, and Creative Worship for the Lutheran Parish. Duties include acquisitions, processing, editing and marketing music and worship resources.
To be considered, a candidate must be a member of the LCMS, hold a bachelor’s degree in music, education and/or business (master’s preferred); have at least five years of parish experience; display a detailed ability to edit and understand the theological, written and musical language of worship, liturgy, hymnody, choral song, keyboard and handbell music.  Strong keyboard and conducting skills are strongly preferred.
Send nominations, letters of interest and resumes to Employment Recruiter, Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO 63118; fax: (314) 268-1329; e-mail: cphresume@cph.org.

Concordia International School Shanghai is seeking faculty for most levels Pre-K through 12 and in most subjects as we staff to keep pace with growth.  We seek Christian teachers with powerful and engaging classroom skills and a record of continuous professional development.
Terrific things to work with: an emphasis on community informed by the school’s Christian character; energetic young people from 30 countries; expectations of rigorous college preparatory studies imaginatively delivered; a school-wide commitment to technology; and a fine new school facility.
Positions: middle school assistant principal; primary grades; middle school science; middle school English; high school history/economics; and high school math.  For more details, visit www.ciss.com.cn.
Send resume and cover letter, preferably by e-mail, to:

Head of School
Concordia International School
999 Ming Yue Road, Jinqiao
Pudong, Shanghai, 201206, China
E-mail: recruitment@ciss.com.cn

Concordia University, Seward, is seeking to fill the director of alumni and university relations position.  This individual will work with university, alumni and outside constituents to create and sustain programs and volunteer opportunities that promote lifelong relationships between alumni, volunteers and the university.
Qualifications:  Bachelor’s degree and five years of alumni relations or related experience in higher education.  Candidate must possess excellent communication, interpersonal and organizational skills; demonstrated success in constituent relations, volunteer management, and event planning; enthusiasm, energy, and the ability to enable, inspire and motivate staff and volunteers.  Some travel, evening and weekend work is required. Church work experience in The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and Concordia University alumni status preferred.  Concordia University does not discriminate in the employment of individuals on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, disability, sex or age. 
Responsibilities:  Establish and implement short- and long-range organizational goals, objectives, policies and operating procedures.  Provide leadership and direction for a comprehensive program of services and events to and with the university’s alumni, including alumni receptions, homecoming, reunions, chapter events and other gatherings.  Assist with developing strategies that provide alumni the opportunity to support Concordia with financial gifts.  Work with members of the advancement team to design and execute donor cultivation and events for alumni on and off campus.
Procedures:  Applicants must send a letter of application and resume including personal history, education background and employment background.  Also required are the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references.  Applications and materials should be sent to: Carol Brehm, Concordia University Office, 800 N. Columbia Ave., Seward, NE 68434.  E-mail humanresources@cune.edu for questions and for more details visit our web-site at www.cune.edu under the positions tab.
Review of applications will begin immediately.

Posted Aug. 26, 2004 

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