Thrivent gives $165,000 to train future school administrators

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has awarded a $165,000 grant to develop a training program for potential Lutheran school administrators.
The program, known as Administrative Candidates Training Seminars” (ACTS) is “designed to help the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and the Wisconsin Evangelical

Lutheran Synod identify 60 Lutheran early-childhood and elementary teachers as administrator candidates and engage them in three leadership training sessions to enable them to become Lutheran school administrators,” said a Thrivent news release announcing the grant.
The release quotes William Cochran, director of school ministry with LCMS District and Congregational Services, from his written request for funding.
“There is an ongoing need for qualified administrators for Lutheran schools and early-childhood centers,” Cochran wrote. “This project will enable the three synods to identify and train candidates. … The nature of the project is such that it will help each school department meet one of the goals of leadership development.”

Posted March 26, 2004

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