Wheat Ridge honors 21 youth

Wheat Ridge Ministries of Itasca, Ill., awarded its Youth Health and Hope Award to 21 young people who are members of Synod congregations at a July 26 luncheon during the National LCMS Youth Gathering in Orlando, Fla.
They are Heather Ailts, Sioux Falls, S.D.; Joshua Brink, Orlando, Fla.; Hannah Bulle, Garden City, N.Y.; Elizabeth Fenton, Mansfield, Texas; Megan George, Webster Groves, Mo.; Jenny Hogan, Penfield, N.Y.; Emily Johnson, Olathe, Kan.; Stephanie Lehman, East Dundee, Ill.; Abi Lessing, St. Louis; Linda Martino, Houston; Kevin Mennel, St. Louis; Katie Paholke, Gillett, Wis.; Angelica Perrone, Benton Harbor, Mich.; Stephanie Roehrig, Jamesport, N.Y.; Rachel Schallom, St. Louis; Caitlin Schauer, East Wenatchee, Wash.; Lauren Stenftennagel, North Haledon, N.J.; Joshua Tinney, Belleville, Ill.; Adam Wirtz, Marshfield, Wis.; Christopher Wuebker, Sac City, Iowa; and Jared Zunker, Bristol, Wis.
A news release from Wheat Ridge says the award “is given to young people of faith who demonstrate exceptional leadership and service to their Lord by participating in health and hope ministries in their churches, schools and communities. … These extremely involved young people also maintain high standards of academic achievement.”
Pastors, youth counselors and congregational leaders across the country nominated the young people chosen for the award.

Posted Aug. 26, 2004

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