Former veep Preus now heads Luther Academy

Since March of this year, Rev. Daniel Preus, first vice president of the Synod from 2001 to 2004, has assumed the role of full-time director of The Luther Academy, the St. Louis-based society that, according to its mission statement, “promotes genuine, confessional Lutheran theology and research through conferences, scholarly exchanges, and publications.” 

Preus has been president of the academy since 1995.  With his added duties as director, he will be responsible for the administration, daily operations and fund-raising aspects of the organization.  Further, he will seek to identify areas in Europe and elsewhere where the academy might begin new work. 

In addition to this post, Preus also accepted a call, this past April, to serve as part-time assistant pastor at Hope Lutheran Church in St. Louis, where he will help with preaching, teaching, and visitation.  

The Luther Academy, founded in 1991 (its original president was Preus’ father, the late Dr. Robert D. Preus), is not officially connected with any church body.  The primary publications it produces include the quarterly journal Logia, the book series Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics, Luther Digest, and various “special publications” like Church and Ministry Today.  The academy also sponsors, along with the Synod’s Concordia Historical Institute, the annual Pieper Lectures held at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

“At the center of all Lutheran theology,” says Preus, “is the message that for Jesus’ sake sinners are forgiven and have hope and life through faith in Him.  As director of The Luther Academy, it will be my duty — in as many ways as possible — to place this message before the eyes of as many people as possible.  Nothing could give me greater joy.”

Posted July 29, 2005

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