LWML convention registration opens

Registration opens March 1 for the 31st biennial convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, to be held June 16-19 in Tampa, Fla.
Theme of the four-day clwml2onvention is “Live Joyfully as Salt and Light,” from Matt. 5:13-16.
Keynote speaker will be Dr. Paul L. Maier, LCMS second vice president and author, lecturer, and professor of ancient history at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo.
Worship leaders include Rev. Barry Keurulainen, senior pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church, Cabot, Pa., and Dr. Gerhard Michael Jr., president of the Synod’s Florida-Georgia District.
Bible studies will be led by Donna Streufert, teacher, writer, and editor-in-chief of Lutheran Woman’s QuarterlyAnnetta Dellinger, founder and president of Joyful Ministries and author of numerous books and articles, is writing a series of “Joy-votions” devotions for participants.
Mission speakers will be Rev. Donald Treglown, senior pastor of Faith Lutheran Church, Naples, Fla., and a former missionary to the Philippines; Rev. Tich Hoa Luu, a Vietnamese immigrant who was the first of 17 generations of Buddhists to become a Christian and today is pastor of Church of the Cross in Rockville, Md.; Dr. Robert Roegner, executive director of LCMS World Mission and a former missionary to West Africa; Connie Sikkema, founder of the Messiah Lutheran Church Migrant Ministry in Tampa; and Angelina Gomez, one of 22 women who took part in a cross-cultural gathering prior to the 2003 LWML convention.
Each registrant will receive a DVD of convention highlights, including a list of mission grants chosen for funding during the 2005-07 biennium.
Registration is $155 by May 16, or $180 after that date; children under age 18 are free.  Housing is available at various hotels at special convention rates of from $89 to $114 per night, one to four people per room.
Registration materials are available in the Winter 2004 issue of Lutheran Woman’s Quarterly, and on the LWML Web site at www.lwml.org.  For more information, call the convention registrar Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2 to 4 p.m. Central Time, at (763) 425-3879 or send an e-mail to cjilwml@earthlink.net.

Posted Feb. 25, 2005

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