Outreach Institute set for July

This year’s Outreach Leadership Institute will be held July 14-16 at Concordia University, St. Paul, Minn., under the theme “Building Blocks for Today’s Great Commission Congregations.”  The outreach training event is sponsored annually by the Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach, LCMS World Mission, and the Lutheran Education Association.
The institute, now in its fifth year, is designed to equip outreach-minded individuals to serve more effectively in their ministries and congregations.  More than 500 people — including pastors, educators, and congregational lay leaders — have attended the event to date.
Each participant takes part in two five-hour training modules and attends a plenary session on mission insights and strategies.  Training modules will be offered on a dozen topics, including “lifestyle evangelism,” recruiting people to accomplish the mission, Lutheran schools and outreach, small-group outreach ministry, youth and outreach, creating a mission vision in your congregation, using media to reach the lost, churches planting churches, and planning short-term mission trips.
Registration is $160 by May 1, or $175 after that date, and includes meals and on-campus lodging.  Deadline for registrations is July 1.
For more information, visit the Oswald Hoffmann School of Christian Outreach (OHSCO) Web site at www.csp.edu/ohsco/oli.htm.  To register, contact OHSCO at (651) 641-8701 or ohsco@csp.edu.

Posted Feb. 25, 2005

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