Bresemann accepts School Ministry post

Dr. Perry A. Bresemann of Frankenmuth, Mich., accepted a call in May to serve as associate director of Schools/national director of technology for Lutheran Schools, a new position with LCMS District and Congregational Services — School Ministry.  He plans to begin work in the post this fall.
In his new position, Bresemann will oversee School Ministry’s Lutheran School Portal and other aspects of technology related to the national schools office in St. Louis.

The portal is a Web-based communications tool for teachers and staff of Lutheran schools.  In the past year, it linked more than 700 schools subscribed to the service.  Bresemann was instrumental in developing the portal several years ago.

Since 2005, Bresemann, 58, has been director of school ministry/director of parish services for St. Lorenz Lutheran Church and School in Frankenmuth.
Previously, he taught and was principal for that school and other Lutheran schools in Wisconsin.

From 1995 to 1996, Bresemann was executive director of the Lutheran Education Association.

He has held a number of other leadership positions with numerous regional, state, and national education associations, in both Lutheran and secular circles.

A 1970 graduate of Concordia Teachers College (now Concordia University), River Forest, Ill., Bresemann received an honorary doctorate from Concordia University, Ann Arbor, Mich., in 2001.

Posted June 5, 2006