CPH produces first volume of Gerhard work

The first volume in the English translation of Johann Gerhard’s Loci Theologici, or Theological Commonplaces, is now available from Concordia Publishing House.

Translated by Dr. Richard J. Dinda, professor emeritus of Concordia University in Austin, Texas, On the Nature of Theology and Scripture provides a brief introduction on the nature of theology, then addresses the source of all Lutheran doctriCommonplacesne — Holy Scripture.

In the volume, Gerhard explains the divisions of the books of the Bible, offers specific treatment of each canonical and apocryphal book of the Bible, and discusses some of the critical arguments of the divine inspiration of Scripture.  He also offers insight on the versions of Holy Scripture, its interpretation, and a definition of Scripture.

Rev. Paul T. McCain, publisher and executive director of CPH’s editorial division, calls Gerhard’s expansive work “the most comprehensive presentation of Lutheran doctrine available.”  He also indicated that Gerhard’s Loci have never before been translated in their entirety into English.  This is the first of a projected 17-volume series.

“No other doctrinal work in the history of the Lutheran Church surpasses the breadth and depth of Gerhard’s Theological Commonplaces in its careful presentation of the teachings of Holy Scripture, God’s Word,” McCain said.

Johann Gerhard was a professor, writer, and noted theologian of 17th-century Lutheran orthodoxy.

To order Theological Commonplaces: On the Nature of Theology and Scripture ($49.99, item no. 53-1143LPR), contact CPH at (800) 325-3040 or visit the CPH Web site at www.cph.org.  Price does not include shipping.

Posted Nov. 2, 2006

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