Fort Wayne seminary offers workshops for organists

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, is offering three workshops for church organists:

  • “Level I,” to be held June 26-30, includes a daily one-hour session on the “theology of worship,” plus instruction on service playing, hymnody, the church year, music for weddings and funerals, and the pastor-musician relationship.  This workshop is designed for organists who have taken the Primer Level or are using both feet in their playing.  Instructors will be Rev. John T. Pless, assistant professor of pastoral ministry and missions and director of field education, and Rev. Richard C. Resch, associate professor of pastoral ministry and missions and kantor.
  • “Organist Primer,” July 10-14, is a beginning workshop designed for organists who do not use pedals, who use only one foot, or who want to learn more about the basics of service playing.  It includes instruction on fundamental music understanding and organ vocabulary, demonstrations of “appropriate and easy” service music for Lutheran organists, and daily study of Lutheran theology.  Instructors will be Resch and Kevin J. Hildebrand, associate kantor at the seminary.
  • “Beginning Improvisation,” July 17-21, is designed for organists who are interested in beginning or reviewing basic ideas in the art of improvisation.  Instructors will demonstrate various improvisation styles and techniques, such as ritornello, bicinium, ostinato, imitation, and toccata, and students will get hands-on experience.  Included are an introduction to the fundamentals of music theory, a study of music in early Lutheranism, and daily study of Lutheran theology.  Instructors will be Hildebrand and Rev. Chad L. Bird, assistant professor of exegetical theology.

Tuition is $206 for each workshop, and on-campus lodging and meals are available for $145.  Continuing education units also are available.

For more information or to register, call the seminary at (260) 452-2266 or visit its Web site.

Posted April 11, 2006

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