LCMS publications receive 7 awards

The Lutheran Witness and Reporter, the Synod’s two official periodicals, won a combined total of seven awards in this year’s Associated Church Press (ACP) and Evangelical Press Association (EPA) religious journalism competitions for written work done in 2005.
The awards were announced at the ACP and EPA annual conventions in Orlando, Fla., April 23-26 and May 7-10, respectively.

The Lutheran Witness received the following five awards in the ACP’s “Best of the Christian Press” competition:

  • a top Award of Excellence in the “Professional Resource” category for Paula Schlueter Ross’ article, “You Are Not Alone” (June/July), about how those in the church understand and deal with mental illness;
  • a second-place Award of Merit in the “Most Personally Useful Article” category for Sally Beck’s “Decorations Tell The Story” (December), about decorating for Advent and Christmas; and
  • three third-place Honorable Mention awards — also for Ross’ “You Are Not Alone,” in the “Feature Article: Denominational General Interest” category; for David Cox’s “A Matter of Faith” (June/July), on creationism, for “Editorial or Opinion Piece: Magazine”; and for Joe Isenhower Jr.’s article, “After the Tsunami: Tears and Relief” (February), in the ‘News Story: Magazine” category.

The Lutheran Witness also garnered a fifth-place award in the EPA’s “Higher Goals” annual competition for Rev. Matthew Harrison’s article, “Katrina’s Impact, Synod’s Response” (October) in the “Reporting” category.

Reporter received an ACP Award of Merit for Kim Krull’s article, “Katrina Wreaks Chaos, Triggers Caring” (September), in the “News Story: Newspaper” category.

The ACP is an organization of 124 religious publications (including the Synod’s two periodicals).  Making up the EPA’s membership are 375 periodicals (including The Lutheran Witness), organizations, and individuals.  The combined circulation of each organization’s member publications is more than 20 million.

Posted May 17, 2006 

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