LHM offers free bulletin inserts

Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) provides free quarterly bulletin inserts that are designed to help congregations reach out to hurting people and churchLHM inserts visitors.

The inserts address real-life issues, offering Christian insights and LHM resources.

The spring bulletin insert, for example, addressed stress, told how LHM programs have helped people deal with stress, and offered a Christ-centered topical booklet called Stressed But Connected that includes “practical insights to help [people] manage the pressures of life.”

The summer insert explains LHM resources that are designed to help Lutherans grow in their faith and experience greater joy in life.

Each bulletin insert includes a coupon that congregation members and church visitors can fill out and mail to receive a free LHM resource for themselves or as a gift for others.

To order a subscription to Lutheran Hour Ministries’ free quarterly bulletin inserts (available in bundles of 25), call LHM’s St. Louis headquarters at (800) 876-9880.  If your congregation already has a subscription but needs more inserts, contact LHM to update your order.

Posted Sept. 19, 2006

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