Northwest`s Schumacher re-elected to fifth term

Dr. Warren Schumacher, president of the Synod’s Northwest District since 1994, was re-elected to his fifth term by delegates at the district’s 61st convention, June 22-24 in Portland, Ore.  Schumacher, 65, was elected on the first ballot.
Also elected were:

  • Rev. Clemens Pera, Seattle, first vice president.
  • Rev. Tyrus Miles, Portland, second vice president/regional vice president for the Oregon Conference.
  • Rev. Keith Eilers, Issaquah, Wash., third vice president/regional vice president for the Puget Sound Conference.
  • Rev. Laurence Meyer, Kennewick, Wash., fourth vice president/regional vice president for the Inland Empire.
  • Rev. Jonathan Rockey, Palmer, Alaska, fifth vice president/regional vice president for Alaska.
  • Rev. Michael Donnan, Burley, Idaho, sixth vice president/regional vice president for the South Idaho Conference.

Schumacher and the other elected officers were installed during the convention.
Under the theme “Fan Into Flame the Gift of God,” from 2 Tim. 1:6, delegates voted to:

  • affirm and encourage the services of graduates of the Leadership Advancement Process, a nonprofit organization that equips laypeople to become more involved in Christian life and ministry.
  • continue “Tracking the Spirit,” a program that in the past three years has trained more than 4,000 people to share their faith with others.
  • establish a “Center for Lutheran Studies” on the campus of Concordia University, Portland, to work with the district to train people to serve God and to help bring the Lutheran perspective to religious and social issues in the Pacific Northwest.
  • petition the Synod to give commissioned ministers wider voting privileges at district and synodical conventions.

Delegates also were encouraged to become witnesses for Christ.  Each delegate received a witnessing “tool kit” that included tracts and witness cards to share with workers at local restaurants, the convention center, and hotels.  During the convention, delegates were given opportunities to pray, witness at a local mall and park, fill children’s backpacks with school supplies, and build planter boxes for Habitat for Humanity homes.

Posted June 29, 2006

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