Official Notice: Lawsuit

The lawsuit filed by more than 80 plaintiffs against President Gerald B. Kieschnick, First Vice President William R. Diekelman, and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (as a necessary nominal defendant) in the Circuit Court of St. Louis County, Mo., in August of 2005 has been officially dismissed.  The lawsuit was initiated in part because of the plaintiffs’ belief that the number of exceptions granted for delegates to the Synod’s 2004 convention was excessive.

The agreement reached by the parties to the lawsuit instructs the Secretary of the Synod to issue this official notice in Reporter following the dismissal of the action, referencing the public availability of the “Voting Delegate Representation Report” prepared by the Secretary for the Board of Directors of the Synod.  The report is posted on the Synod’s Web site at  A printed copy of the report may be requested from the Office of the Secretary of the Synod.

Raymond L. Hartwig
Secretary, LCMS

Posted Oct. 27, 2006

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